Mischa Zelzer and Hala S. Dhowre attended the second meeting in a series of international conferences on Peptide and Protein Biomaterials. Nanopeptide 2015 was held at the University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre.
The three day conference was chaired by Professor Rein Ulijn (CUNY, USA & Strathclyde, UK) and featured an impressive plenary lecture by Professor Sam Stupp (Northwestern University, USA) on “Nanoscience and Bioactivity of Peptides”.
The conference brought together 120 delegates from 13 countries to present their work, listen to 35 excellent talks and see 60 high calibre posters.
Mischa presented a lecture on “Enzyme responsive peptide surfaces for functional cell-material integration”, discussing design challenges and progress made in our group in developing and characterising biointerfaces.
Hala presented a poster in the session “Peptide Biomaterials & Tissue Regeneration”, displaying her work on designing new synthetic peptide surfaces with well controlled composition and functionality to impart control over the differentiation of neural stem cells with the ultimate goal to understand and control how neuronal networks function.
The social program of the conference was equally impressive. A Civic Reception was held in the magnificent Glasgow City Chambers with a welcome talk by the Lord Provost on the evening of the first conference day. The Conference Dinner was hosted in The Corinthian Club, a brilliant night of conversation, food and service.